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Writer's pictureWarbaby

If You're Not Where You Want To Be, This Is The MOST IMPORTANT Question To Ask

Updated: Mar 18

Your current situation, everything, is the result of your past thoughts, feelings, assumptions, beliefs, behaviour, words and actions.

If you are not in a good place now, thinking, assuming, believing, behaving, doing and acting the same as before will only reinforce your current situation. They will all result in you staying exactly where you are. If you’re in a hole, you will keep yourself in the hole, and make it deeper.

If you want to be in a better place, you need to change the way you think, behave and act. Not others. You. You need to change what you believe about yourself and others, you need to stop assuming, blaming, and complaining. You need to start understanding the reasons, instead of finding excuses.

Everything is on you. Everything is a result of who you were. Everything you are experiencing right now you created from your thoughts, feelings, assumptions, beliefs, behaviour, words and actions before today.

This is the most powerful realisation you will ever have.

Because when everything present is created by our thoughts, feelings, assumptions, beliefs, behaviour, words and actions up to now, everything future will be created by our thoughts, feelings, assumptions, beliefs, behaviour, words and actions from now.

The choice we have in every moment:

Don’t change - repeat what we have done so far, and stay in the hole.

Change - start climbing out of the hole towards where we want to be.

There will be a time lag between the changes we make now and the results. There is always a time lag, but the results of our changes always come. This is law, this is immutable, this is cause and effect. 

The question is not if, but when. 

We have no control over when, but we have absolute control over what we choose to do and who we choose to be now, and in the next moment.

Choose your next moment.

The most important question to ask is, “If there is no one and nothing to blame, if there are no excuses, if I do not complain about anything or anyone, if everything is because of me and me alone, what would I do?”

Then just do. Small changes, take baby steps, ignore what everyone says, and you will reach escape velocity towards where and who you want to be.

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